The Atypical Family: Episode 1 Recap

Man-Heum takes her son and her daughter to the mountain in The Atypical Family: Episode 1. She asks her daughter Dong-Hee to fly. Dong-Hee fails. Man-Heum asks his son Gwi-Ju to go back to the past then. But he ignores her and he drinks. She asks her granddaughter I-Na to prove herself when I-Na plays game with her phone.

Man-Heum thinks Bok family is doomed. She tries to jump off the cliff. But she doesn’t have the guts. Gwi-Ju disappears when Man-Heum cheers her family. Man-Heum’s husband Sun-Gu mistakes that Gwi-Ju went back to the past. Gwi-Ju actually jumped into the sea.

The Atypical Family: Episode 1

He thinks of his wife when he’s drowning. The lady Da-Hae comes to save him. She carries him to the beach. She gives him artificial respiration. He wakes up and he mistakes her for his ex-wife Se-Yeon. He hugs her. Man-Heum and Sun-Gu come to the beach to look for Gwi-Ju.

Man-Heum sees her son hugging a lady. Gwi-Ju passes out. Man-Heum runs to him. He’s sent to the hospital. He wakes up and he tells his mother that it was an accident that he jumped into the sea. Dong-Hee mentions what I-Na thought that her father was snorkel.

Gwi-Ju takes a look at his daughter I-Na. Man-Heum remembers the lady saved her son. She didn’t ask the lady for her number. She goes to the spa because of her sleeping problem. Da-Hae volunteers to give Man-Heum a treatment when others reject to take care of Man-Heum.

Da-Hae provides a cup of tea for Man-Heum. Man-Heum drinks the tea. Da-Hae gives Man-Heum the treatment. Man-Heum thinks Da-Hae has good health that her family doesn’t have. She falls asleep. She tries to give the cash to the spa manager. But she asks her about the therapist who gave her the treatment.

Da-Hae shows up. She admits that she was the therapist. Man-Heum recognizes Da-Hae was the one who saved her son. She tries to give the cash to her. But Da-Hae rejects it. Man-Heum gives the cash to the spa manager. She asks her to let Da-Hae visit her.

Da-Hae visits Man-Heum. The gate opens. Da-Hae walks into the house. Man-Heum welcomes her. She takes her to the garden. Gwi-Ju wakes up in his room after he drank last night. He continues to drink. He walks to the door. He sees the note Man-Heum left. She asked him not to walk out of his room. But he walks out of his room.

Da-Hae plans to make a cup of tea for Man-Heum. She goes to go to get water. She sees Gwi-Ju who’s trying to open the wine bottle. She volunteers to open the wine bottle for him. He rejects it. She pushes the wine bottle and it falls to the floor.

The wine bottle is broken. Da-Hae cleans the mess when she tells Gwi-Ju not to move. Man-Heum shows up. She thinks Gwi-Ju broke the wine bottle. She reminds him that Da-Hae was the one who saved him. But he thinks Da-Hae came to get money.

Man-Heum leaves with Gwi-Ju. Da-Hae catches the chance to drop the medicine into Man-Heum’s tea. She gives the treatment to Man-Heum. She reveals her parents passed away and she has been married twice. Man-Heum learns that Da-Hae got two bad husbands because Da-Hae wished to get a family. She reveals Gwi-Ju isn’t out of his marriage because he misses his ex-wife who passed away.

Sun-Gu returns home. He wishes to see Da-Hae. But Man-Heum reveals the lady left. Da-Hae returns home. She asks her mother Il-Hong to cook for her. But Il-Hong rejects it because she’s giving the client the treatment in the saunas. She tells Da-Hae to go to cook noodles.

Da-Hae tries to cook the noodles. But she fears fire. She has to put out the fire. She eats the noodles without cooking. Man-Heum falls asleep when she talks with Sun-Gu. She sees Da-Hae in her dream. She wakes up from the dream. She reveals she saw Da-Hae wearing their family ring. She believes that the lady will help them regain their powers. She decides to invite Da-Hae to their house.

Gwi-Ju visits I-Na. He tries to talk with her from the door. But he runs into her. He reveals he didn’t jump into the water. She returns to her room. Grace Kang goes to Gwi-Ju’s gym. The guys’ eyes are fixed when they see her. She walks to Gwi-Ju and she tells him that she can to apply the personal trainer job.

He tells her that she can work tomorrow. She thinks he hired her because of her looks. She tries to leave. But she runs into Dong-Hee. Dong-Hee claims that she’s the future owner of the building. She asks for taking a look at Grace Kang’s resume.

The two have a meeting. Dong-Hee learns that Grace Kang has 300,000 subscribers. But she thinks Grace Kang could buy the subscribers. Grace Kang mocks Dong-Hee that she’s famous because of her eating. She leaves the gym. Gwi-Ju shows up. He thinks Dong-Hee mistook the gym for a snack bar. She claims that she will get the building. He gives the cash to her. He lets her buy anything she wants to eat.

The client comes to Dong-Hee’s clinic for a plastic surgery consultation. But Dong-Hee’s button on her clothes flies to the client’s face because Dong-Hee is too fat. The client is furious to leave the clinic. Dong-Hee’s boss Ji-Han asks Dong-Hee not to do the consultation.

She goes to the bakery to buy bread. But she’s told that her card is maxed out. She has to spend the cash Gwi-Ju gave to her. She gets a call from Man-Heum. Man-Heum tells Dong-Hee that she invited a guest to their house. Man-Heum prepares the meal for Da-Hae. She worries that Da-Hae won’t like it. Gwi-Ju and Dong-Hee show up. He thinks she spent his money. Da-Hae arrives when the family is looking for I-Na. She brings the flowers to the family. Dong-Hee shakes hands with Da-Hae after knowing Da-Hae saved her brother. But she wonders why Da-Hae will marry her brother.

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