Lovely Runner: Episode 8 Recap

Seon-Jae digs out the time capsule before the workers ruin the tree in 2022. He goes to the bridge to wait for Lim Sol with the time capsule in Lovely Runner: Episode 8 in 2023. His assistant Dong-Seok calls him because there was a reporter captured him when he stood on the bridge.

Seon-Jae tells Dong-Seok about the appointment of him and Lim Sol. Dong-Seok thinks Seon-Jae is very silly to believe the lie of the girl. He asks him to come to the fan meeting. Seon-Jae returns home. He opens the time capsule.

Lovely Runner: Episode 8

He finds the letter Lim Sol wrote to him. He learns that she wishes him to live. Lim Sol walks on the street. It snows. Someone bumps Lim Sol. It makes her phone drop. She picks up her phone and she finds out that her phone is broken like before. She runs away. She doesn’t know the taxi driver is looking at her.

Seon-Jae returns to his company. He sees Lim Sol’s business card. He learns that she just visited him. He runs out of the building. He remembers the appointment of him and Lim Sol. He tries to leave. But he’s surrounded by the fans. Dong-Seok comes to pick Seon-Jae up.

Seon-Jae runs to the bridge. He finds out that Lim Sol is waiting for him. He calls her. She turns around and she sees him. She walks to him and she holds umbrella for him. She reveals she was waiting for him. He offers to drink a cup of coffee. She agrees to it.

Dong-Seok informs Seon-Jae that everyone is waiting for him at the after-party. Lim Sol remembers the cop told her that she was the last person who saw Seon-Jae. She worries that he will be dead at the party. She stops him when he tries to leave.

She asks him to stay with her. He agrees to it. He lets her get in his car. He takes her to a hotel. She walks into the hotel with him. She’s nervous when he tells her that he prefers the place. She sees the sign of the suit room then.

She stops him when she tells him that she wishes to go another place with him. But he thinks the place is good. She explains it to him that she didn’t intend to have a passionate night with him. So he takes her to a bar. He thinks she visited him because of the time capsule.

He tells a lie to her when she thinks he visited the time capsule. He wonders if she became a movie director. In-Hyuk has a meeting with his fans. He’s very happy. He checks the messages. He learns that Seon-Jae went out with a girl.

He calls Seon-Jae and he reveals people has known that he’s dating a girl in the hotel. He thinks the reporters are waiting for them. Seon-Jae decides to leave because he doesn’t wish the reporters to shoot Lim Sol. Lim Sol walks out of the bar. He sees the umbrellas.

Seon-Jae tries to get in the elevator. Lim Sol stops him. She takes out the umbrella. The reporters are waiting for Seon-Jae at the parking lot. They’re going to shoot him. Lim Sol takes Seon-Jae to run to her car. They get in the car.

Lim Sol drives her car to Seon-Jae’s house. Seon-Jae wonders why she came to his house with him. She explains it to him that she wants to use his bathroom. Dong-Seok meets with In-Hyuk at a bar. He thinks the girl took Seon-Jae to Seon-Jae’s house. In-Hyuk is against it because he left a present in Seon-Jae’s house.

Seon-Jae and Lim Sol walk into the house. Seon-Jae sees the girl’s poster. He takes Lim Sol to the bathroom. He carries the girl’s poster to his room. He hides it on his bed. He blames In-Hyuk for putting it into his house. Bok-Soon and Mal-Ja go out. They take a taxi and they go to see Lim Geum. The killer arrives at Lim Sol’s house.

Lim Sol is in the bathroom. She gets a call from Bok-Soon who asks her to come to Lim Geum’s house. But Lim Sol rejects it because he plans to spend a night with a man. Seon-Jae is shocked after he heard what Lim Sol said. He jumps to his coach and he pretends to read when Lim Sol walks out of the bathroom.

She walks around his house. She wishes to eat noodles at his house. He agrees to it because he knows she plans to spend the night with him. In-Hyuk is against it after knowing the girl is Lim Sol. He thinks Seon-Jae is cooking for Lim Sol.

Seon-Jae cooks noodles for Lim Sol. She sees the pills. She mistakes that they’re medicine. But he tells her that they’re supplements. She eats up the noodles and she pretends to sleep. It makes him believe that she wants to sleep in his house.

The guard sees someone staying outside. He goes to check him. We find out that the person is Tae-Sung. Lim Sol confesses to Seon-Jae that she worries that he will die. He remembers what she told him that his shoulder will be hurt. He thinks she hasn’t changed.

She brings up the rumor that he has panic attacks. But he denies the rumor. She tries to go to wash the bowl. But her sweater is stained by the food. He gives his sweater to her. He lets her get changed in his room. He remembers he left the time capsule in the room.

SEE ALSO: Lovely Runner: Episode 7 Recap

He breaks into the room after she got changed. She walks out of his room. He uses the cover to hide the time capsule. But she sees the girl poster when she returns. She understands him then because he’s a man. She tries to take a look at the girl poster when he stops her. She falls to the bed. He hugs her. The two are close. In-Hyuk shows up.

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