Lovely Runner: Episode 13 Recap

Lim Sol goes to the mountain top. She decides to change her future. She plans not to get Seon-Jae involved in Lovely Runner: Episode 12. She gets on the train with him. She pretends that she went back. She has a fight with him. She’s furious to get off the train.

Lim Sol wishes Seon-Jae not to come to her. Young-Soo gets off the train. He misses Lim Sol. It flashes back to a few days ago. Lim Sol gives the lottery to Lim Geum in episode 13. She persuades him to use the lottery. She walks out of the video rent store. Seon-Jae is waiting for her. He give her a hug. She takes him to the amusement park.

Lovely Runner: Episode 13

She reveals it’s the amusement park she visited with her father. He wishes to visit the park with her next time. They take photos in front of the carousel. They visit the haunted house. Seon-Jae claims that he will protect Lim Sol. But he fears the haunted house more than her.

They take the Ferris wheel then. Seon-Jae prepares a birthday cake for Lim Sol. But she thinks it’s not good enough. She asks him to sing a birthday song for her. He does so and he asks her to check her pocket. She finds a necklace from her pocket.

She likes the necklace very much. He puts the necklace on her. The worker opens the door of the Ferris wheel. He mistakes that the two are having a kiss. He laughs to leave. Lim Sol feels embarrassed. She fans herself. Seon-Jae thanks Lim Sol for coming to him. She reveals the one who saved her was him. She smiles when she looks at him. He asks her to kiss his face since she thanks him. She laughs. He catches the chance to kiss her face. He kiss her lips. She closes her eyes.

We go back to the train. Seon-Jae is on the train. He tears up when he remembers Lim Sol asked him not to cry. He gets off the train. Won-Chul visits Bok-Soon. Lim Sol walks out of the police station. We learn that the police didn’t believe what she said.

Lim Sol gets a call from Bok-Soon. Bok-Soon has known that Lim Sol got kidnapped. She plans to come to pick Lim Sol up. Lim Sol comforts her mother that Seon-Jae is staying with her. Bok-Soon goes out. She runs into Seon-Jae. He learns that Lim Sol told her mother that she was with him.

He takes a look at his watch. He remembers Lim Sol wore the watch. He realizes that Lim Sol didn’t go back to the future. Won-Chul and Detective Choi go to the building. Won-Chul asks Detective Choi to be there on May 10. Detective Choi realizes that Lim Sol asked Won-Chul to do so.

He gets a call from the cop. He learns that Young-Soo went to Busan. Won-Chul gets a call from Lim Sol. She asks him to come to save her. Seon-Jae goes to the building. But Lim Sol isn’t there. He realizes that the future changed.

He gets a call from In-Hyuk. In-Hyuk reveals Lim Sol didn’t get on the train. Because his father saw her. Seon-Jae remembers Lim Sol cried to ask her to let her alone. He realizes that she’s still in Busan. Lim Sol waits for the killer on the beach. She takes a look at the necklace Seon-Jae gave her.

She remembers he kissed her. She apologizes to him. She passes by the restaurant on May 7. She remembers she was kidnapped by the killer after she visited the restaurant. She has a seat. She receives a message from Seon-Jae. He asks her about her whereabouts.

She gets a call from Won-Chul who tells her that he’s there. She sees a car. She’s very happy after she realized that he’s in the car. Detective Choi persuades Won-Chul to search other places. But Won-Chul is confident that the killer will come to kidnap Lim Sol.

Seon-Jae arrives in Busan. He goes to the seawall. Because In-Hyuk’s father saw Lim Sol there. But Seon-Jae doesn’t find Lim Sol. He calls the police. Lim Sol waits for the killer at the place. She calls Won-Chul when someone shows up behind her. But she finds out that the person is a cop. The cop reveals he came because he received a call. The killer sees them. He leaves.

Seon-Jae runs into Young-Soo. He recognizes him. He chases him when Young-Soo runs. The cop reveals the one who reported to police was a guy. Lim Sol realized that the person was Seon-Jae. She runs to the mountain top. She sees Young-Soo stabbing Seon-Jae. Won-Chul and Detective Choi show up. They arrest Young-Soo. Seon-Jae falls off the cliff after he told Lim Sol that he likes her. She runs to the cliff. She sees him falling into the sea. She cries to call him.

Lim Sol returns to 2023. She becomes a producer. Hyun-Joo marries Lim Geum. They have a baby. Hyun-Joo becomes Lim Sol’s colleague. She badmouths their boss Kyung-Ja because Kyung-Ja rejected Lim Sol’s movie proposal. Kyung-Ja shows up. Hyun-Joo changes her face. She begins to flatter Kyung-Ja.

Kyung-Ja takes Lim Sol to her office. She asks her to go to persuade the star Do-Jun to have a kiss. Lim Sol walks into the studio. She asks Do-Jun to do the kissing scene. But he rejects it because his girlfriend asked him not to do so.

SEE ALSO: Lovely Runner: Episode 12 Recap

She follows him out of the studio when she continues to persuade him. But he gets in his car. She sees his girlfriend in the car. She gets angry after knowing he drove after he drank. She drives her car and she blocks his way. She drags him out of his car. She pinches his ear. She’s taken to the police station. She runs into Tae-Sung who’s in the jail. Do-Jun’s lawyer asks Lim Sol to apologize to Do-Jun. She gets a call from Kyung-Ja. Kyung-Ja yells at Lim Sol. She asks her to apologize to Do-Jun as well.

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