Frankly Speaking: Episode 5 Recap

Ki-Baek arrives at the set in Frankly Speaking: Episode 5. Woo-Joo is very happy. She remembers she asked him to do her dating show. But he rejected it. They found Joo-Ho at a restaurant. They signed a contract in front of the guy. Ha-Young was against it after knowing Woo-Joo cast Ki-Baek.

Woo-Joo persuaded Ha-Young that they will find something between Ki-Baek and Jeong-Heon. But Ha-Young worried that Jeong-Heon won’t accept it. But he agreed to it because he wanted to be ideal boyfriend. The filming begins. Louis Kim shows up. He introduces himself as a chef.

Frankly Speaking: Episode 5

Yu-Yeong is the second guest. She’s a professional swimmer. She plans to run a business. Louis Kim helps Yu-Yeong carry her suitcase. It seems that he wants to act a gentleman in front of the pretty girl. The third guest Seong-Jun arrives. He runs a men’s streetwear store. The fourth guest is Hae-Ri who’s a graphic designer.

Louis Kim shakes hands with Hae-Ri. She’s very happy. The fifth guest Hui-Seon appears. She’s a lawyer. The five guests have a seat. Ki-Baek shows up. He’s the sixth guest. Louis Kim tries to help Ki-Baek carry his suitcase. But Ki-Baek rejects it. Jeong-Heon is the seventh guest. He shakes hands with the guests one by one.

The guests introduce themselves to each other. Everyone is perfect because they’re successful in their industry. But Ki-Baek keeps making mistake when he introduces himself. He almost leaks that he was kicked out by JBC. He reveals he doesn’t have a job. He complains to the people there’re so many cameras there. It makes Min-Gu think Ki-Baek is drunk.

Jeong-Heon only tells his name to the guests when he introduces himself. But he gets the applause from the guests. They think he’s professional. Woo-Joo notes that Ki-Baek is lost. So she tells him that he did a great job. Jeong-Heon brings up the old days of him and Ki-Baek. But Ki-Baek doesn’t want to talk about it because he thinks he was obnoxious.

Ha-Young interviews Ki-Baek. She asks him why he decided to do the show. But he says that he’s a penguin. She thinks she cannot interview him. Woo-Joo explains it to Ha-Young that Ki-Baek was trying to show off his charm. Ki-Baek thinks he’s not bad because he had a good job and he went to a good school. But Woo-Joo persuades him to show the victory and loyalty to the viewers.

The pit game begins. Ki-Baek throws the player out of the pit. The girl Yu-Yeong chooses Ki-Baek. But he’s defeated by Jeong-Heon. Woo-Joo follows Ki-Baek to the house. She gives her towel to him. He returns to the beach to look for Yu-Yeong.

He finds her when she’s having a fight with her boyfriend over the phone. It seems that her boyfriend cheated on her. Ki-Baek promises Yu-Yeong that he won’t report it to the Production Team. He reminds her that she just broke up with her boyfriend.

She wishes him to be her boyfriend. But he doesn’t have feelings for her. He hands over the band-aid to her. He reveals he noted that his leg was hurt when he played the game with her. He thinks he should take the duty because he didn’t protect her well. She promises to choose him in the first round. She asks him to be loyal to her.

Jeong-Heon passes by the beach with Woo-Joo. He sees Ki-Baek and Yu-Yeong. He smiles. Woo-Joo interviews Jeong-Heon. He reveals he’s interested in Yu-Yeong even if Hui-Seon is his partner. Woo-Joo walks on the mountain with the team.

Jeong-Heon supports her when she trips. She’s told that Ki-Baek is in the house alone. Ki-Baek hears the guys badmouthing him that he bribed Woo-Joo. He grabs his fist tightly. Woo-Joo returns to the house. Ki-Baek asks her not to give him special treatment.

Un-Baek is on the boat. He’s seasick. He tells his mother that he hates her. Yoo-Jung told her family that she plans to have a fan club for Ki-Baek. Un-Baek calls Ki-Baek. He reveals he came with a coffee truck. Un-Baek looks for the set. He runs into Chae Yeon.

She’s rude to him because she mistakes him for a coffee seller. She’s nice to him after knowing he’s Ki-Baek’s brother. Ki-Baek meets with Un-Baek. He sees the snacks and the drinks his mother prepared for him. He tries to give the drinks to the female guests. But he finds out that Jeong-Heon has prepared a delicious meal for the girls.

Ki-Baek feels embarrassed. He tries to hide the drinks. But the workers come to take the drinks because they know it’s homemade. Un-Baek gives the drink to Chae Yeon. She asks him if he’s free. Ki-Baek intends to give the drink to Woo-Joo. But he gives up the idea when he notes that she’s drinking.

She comes to him and she’s interested in the drink. But he gives the last drink to Yu-Yeong. The filming ends. Chae Yeon lets the guests enjoy the food and the drinks. I-Na tries to help Un-Baek when he’s cleaning the set. But he rejects it. Min-Gu reveals Chae Yeon hired Un-Baek. But Un-Baek claims that he volunteered to do the job.

Ki-Baek eats with Jeong-Heon. He tries to leave because he thinks they’re done. But Jeong-Heon points out that the real fun just begins. Ki-Baek sees the camera shooting them. Chae Yeon has a meeting with her team. She offers to let Ki-Baek, Jeong-Heon and Yu-Yeong have a love triangle. Woo-Joo thinks it will be very fun.

She lets I-Na play the song. It reminds Ki-Baek the old days that he sang with Jeong-Heon. He sings with Jeong-Heon. I-Na lets the male guests reveal the female guest they like. She mentions Ki-Baek gave the drink to Yu-Yeong. But Ki-Baek doesn’t express his feelings.

SEE ALSO: Frankly Speaking: Episode 4 Recap

Ki-Baek remembers Yu-Yeong asked him to choose her. But he sees the seaweed on her teeth. Woo-Joo is very happy after she found out that Ki-Baek didn’t choose Yu-Yeong. She watches Ki-Baek’s footage alone. Chae Yeon reminds Woo-Joo that they came there to work.

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