Frankly Speaking: Episode 2 Recap

Ki-Baek tries to beat PN. But Woo-Joo pushes him over and she falls to the grass with him in Frankly Speaking: Episode 1. Ki-Baek takes a bath in a poor in episode 2. He wonders why he spoke out his real thoughts. PN quit the show after Ki-Baek gave him a hard time.

Woo-Joo decides to go to persuade PN. Sang-Jin is furious to break into the office when he looks for Ki-Baek. He asks Ji-Hu about Ki-Baek’s whereabouts. Ji-Hu claims that he has a show. He texts Ki-Baek. He tells him not to return to the office because Sang-Jin is in anger.

Frankly Speaking: Episode 2

Ki-Baek meets with Ji-Hu. Ji-Hu thinks Ki-Baek always made news. He leaves. Ki-Baek gets a call from Woo-Joo. He doesn’t pick up her call. So she shows up. She persuades him to go to apologize to PN with her. But he rejects it because he knows PN bullied his staff. He flees into the elevator.

Sang-Jin scolds Ki-Baek in his office. He lets him leave his office after he noted that Ki-Baek is going to throw a fit. Ki-Baek walks out of Sang-Jin’s office. He runs into PN’s fans. The fans chase him. Chae Yeon finds Woo-Joo after Woo-Joo had waited for PN for two hours. But the idol refused to see her.

Chae Yeon reveals their show was cancelled. Woo-Joo regrets for asking Ki-Baek to apologize to PN. Ki-Baek parks his car at the street. He tries to call his mother. He visits his mother Yoo-Jung. He asks her to let him stay at her house.

Ki-Baek locks himself in the room. But his brother Un-Baek drags him out of the room. He asks him to have a talk with the family. He takes off his mask. He finds out that he has another mask to seal his lips. Ki-Baek tells his family that he knows they only care for the money he’s going to give him. Un-Baek thinks Ki-Baek looks down on them. He has a fight with him.

Yoo-Jung stops her two sons. Ki-Baek leaves home. He gets a message from Woo-Joo. He comes to her when she’s drunk. She thanks him for beating PN. But he doesn’t look fine. She gives her milk to him. He holds her head when she’s going to fall. She sleeps on the bench. He calls police and he lets them take Woo-Joo away.

Woo-Joo is in her office. She thinks they should shoot the final episode. But Chae Yeon points out that nobody is going to watch it. They’re lost to leave the office. Jeong-Heon sees Woo-Joo. He learns that her show got cancelled and she won’t have another chance.

Ki-Baek practices how to speak outside. Sang-Jin lets him come to his office. He asks him to take a long break. But Ki-Baek threatens to let Sang-Jin pay for it. Woo-Joo and Chae Yeon walk into Sang-Jin’s office. Ki-Baek apologizes to Sang-Jin. He leaves his office.

Woo-Joo follows Ki-Baek. She persuades him to go to hospital because she knows he had a electric shock. But he rejects it because he worries that he will be recognized. She takes him to the cafeteria. They meet with the doctor Joo-Ho. But Joo-Ho recognizes Ki-Baek even if Ki-Baek wears a mask.

Ki-Baek is back to normal after he met with Joo-Ho. Jeong-Heon goes to the hair salon. PD Jang invites Jeong-Heon to cast his show. But Jeong-Heon is only interested in Woo-Joo. He lets his assistant drive PD Jang away because the PD badmouthed Woo-Joo. But he knows Woo-Joo is preparing for a new show.

Woo-Joo moves to a new office. Min-Gu persuades her to cast Jeong-Heon. But she doesn’t like the idea. Ki-Baek arrives at the awards ceremony with Ji-Hu. Ji-Hu persuades Ki-Baek that Sang-Jin will give him another chance if Ki-Baek does a good job.

Jeong-Heon runs into Woo-Joo at the awards ceremony. She denies it when Jeong-Heon’s manager Mi-Ra thinks she knew Jeong-Heon. She sees Ki-Baek. She learns that he came to host the ceremony. Jeong-Heon recognizes Ki-Baek. He tries to have a talk with him. But Ki-Baek leaves.

The ceremony begins. Ki-Baek hosts the ceremony. Everything is perfect. But the makeup artist puts the powder on his face. He sneezes. He tells the people that the actor used drug when the actor is on the stage to accept the award. The actor slaps Ki-Baek. Ki-Baek passes out.

He has a nightmare that people know he told a lie to them. He wakes up from the nightmare. He finds out that he’s in the pool. But a shark swims to him. He finds out that the shark is Woo-Joo. He cries and he wakes up. He reads the message. He learns that he was fired.

Woo-Joo talks about Ki-Baek with Chae Yeon on the street. She thinks something happened to the guy. Jeong-Heon shows up. He waves at Woo-Joo from his car. She lets Chae Yeon leave with the kid. Jeong-Heon plans to have a date with Woo-Joo. But she asks him to leave.

She glares at him when he cannot start the car. They were very happy when they were in the car. She bought him the buns. Jeong-Heon startes the car in the end. Woo-Joo leaves. Ki-Baek is at home. He has a talk with Joo-Ho over the phone. He learns that the illness will bring trouble to his work because he cannot control what he says.

He gets a call from the landlord. The landlord asks Ki-Baek to move out because he’s going to come back. Woo-Joo drives along the beach. She thinks the place is good. Ji-Hu takes Ki-Baek to the fishing place. He lets him have fun there.

SEE ALSO: Frankly Speaking: Episode 1 Recap

Woo-Joo arrives at the fishing place. She takes some photos and she has fun with the cats. Ki-Baek climbs to the cliff. Woo-Joo sees the sneakers he left. She mistakes that he’s going to end his life. So she calls him. She climbs to the cliff. It makes him nervous. She falls into the sea with him.

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