The Atypical Family: Episode 2 Recap

Gwi-Ju wins a giant carp from the store in The Atypical Family: Episode 2. He returns home and he shows the carp to his mother. Man-Heum breaks the carp and she beats Gwi-Ju when she mentions what she told him not to be close to the store because she knows there would an accident. But he disappears.

Gwi-Ju finds out that he returned to the store. He sees himself winning the prize. He goes home. Man-Heum is happy to hug him because she thinks he made it. He goes to the store. He tries to win the first prize again. But he fails. So he returns to the moment where he won the prize.

The Atypical Family: Episode 2

He tries to talk with the people. But nobody hears what he says. He sees the little girl crying after she lost her dog from the accident. He returns to the moment. He tries to save the dog for the little girl. He fails again. He has to leave. He becomes a firefighter. His wife gives a birth to his daughter. He’s very happy when he carries his daughter.

We return to the present. Gwi-Ju walks out of his house. He sees the dolls I-Na threw. He sees a man riding a motorcycle away. He tells I-Na to be careful. She takes a look at the dolls she threw. She remembers she did it because she thought she doesn’t deserve it.

Gwi-Ju asks I-Na to call him. But she ignores him and she goes to the school. Da-Hae runs into Gwi-Ju in the mall when he tries to pick a present for I-Na. She follows her when she persuades him to let her help him. But he tears up her sleeve of her shirt.

He drinks at the restaurant. She brings the present to him when she tells him that it’s for I-Na. He accepts the present. He throws some cash to the table. He leaves the restaurant. There’s a fire in the mall when Da-Hae drinks at the restaurant.

The people run out of the restaurant. Da-Hae trips after she was pushed by someone. Gwi-Ju comes to save her. He grabs her hand to calm her down. He disappears. I-Na returns home. She sees the sneakers her father bought her. She wears the sneakers. Gwi-Ju is very happy after he found out that his daughter liked the present very much.

Da-Hae goes to Man-Heum’s gym. Man-Heum is waiting for her. Da-Hae wonders why Man-Heum let her come to her gym. Grace Kang is working out in the gym. The guy is interested in her. He learns that her name is Grace. Dong-Hee shows up. She thinks Grace Kang used a fake name. Grace Kang mocks Dong-Hee’s name. She leaves.

Man-Heum walks Da-Hae in the gym. She reveals she will give the gym to Gwi-Ju if he gets married. But Da-Hae worries about I-Na. But Man-Heum thinks I-Na is still a kid. She wishes Da-Hae to give a birth to a granddaughter for her. She promises to prepare a great wedding for Da-Hae. But Da-Hae wishes to live with Gwi-Ju.

Dong-Hee stops the two. She takes Man-Heum aside. She mentions what Man-Heum promised to give the building to her. She persuades her not to trust Da-Hae. Grace Kang eavesdrops on the conversation. She sends a message to Da-Hae. Gwi-Ju shows up. Da-Hae thanks him for holding her hand.

Man-Heum is surprised that his son held Da-Hae’s hand. She thinks his son fell for Da-Hae when Gwi-Ju leaves. Da-Hae finds out that Man-Heum had sleeping problem again. She goes to prepare tea for Man-Heum. Man-Heum falls asleep in the bed after she returned home.

Sun-Gu leaves Man-Heum’s room. He runs into Gwi-Ju. He praises him for holding Da-Hae’s hand. He reveals he likes the lady because she helped Man-Heum sleep. He leaves. Da-Hae eats with her family at home. Grace Kang thinks Dong-Hee is a problem if Da-Hae plans to marry Gwi-Ju.

She tries to eat. But Il-Hong stops her. She thinks Grace Kang shouldn’t eat if she wants to ruin Dong-Hee’s marriage. Grace Kang wonders when Da-Hae will sleep with Gwi-Ju. Man-Heum opens the curtains when Gwi-Ju sleeps in his room.

She persuades him to have a child. He reminds her that I-Na is her granddaughter. But she mentions I-Na didn’t show her powers. She persuades him to be a good father. Il-Hong lies on the floor with Da-Hae. She wonders why Da-Hae didn’t take action after Gwi-Ju held her hand.

Da-Hae gets a call from Man-Heum. She leaves. Il-Hong thinks I-Na is the key if Da-Hae wishes to marry Gwi-Ju. The teacher asks the students to go to the clubs in the classroom. The students run to the clubs after the class. I-Na tries to join them. But she gets rejected. She reaches the dance club. She watches Jun-Woo dance in the room. But she’s called away by the teacher. Jun-Woo notes the leaving of I-Na. He reveals I-Na was in their class when Hye-Rim doesn’t know who I-Na is.

The teacher calls Gwi-Ju. He reports to him that I-Na didn’t join the club. He thinks I-Na didn’t get along well with her classmates. He mentions he asked I-Na to let Gwi-Ju sign the paper. But she didn’t return the paper to him.

Gwi-Ju finds the paper in I-Na’s drawer. He also finds her flowers. He learns that she loves her parents very much. He tries to sign the paper. But he finds out that he cannot do it. He goes to look for his wine. But Sun-Gu takes away all of the wine.

SEE ALSO: The Atypical Family: Episode 1 Recap

He takes Gwi-Ju to the restaurant. Da-Hae and Man-Heum are waiting for Gwi-Ju. Gwi-Ju tries to leave. But Sun-Gu pushes him into the room. Gwi-Ju joins Man-Heum and Da-Hae because he wants to drink. Man-Heum leaves the room for letting the couple have a date. Da-Hae tries to pour Gwi-Ju a drink. But he pours himself a drink. He finds out that she’s a good drinker. Dong-Hee goes to see Ji-Han. The reception reveals Ji-Han is meeting with the patient. But Dong-Hee hears a woman’s crying from the room.

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