Lovely Runner: Episode 4 Recap

We go back to Lovely Runner episode 1. Sun-Jae runs into Lim Sol on the bridge. He remembers she scolded him after he saved her from the car accident. He intends to take her home. But her friend comes. She gives him a bottle of candies.

Lim Sol Returns to 2023

Lovely Runner: Episode 4

Sun-Jae follows Lim Sol home. He leaves until he sees her getting into her house. He returns home and he stands on the balcony. He turns around and looks at the living room. Lim Sol wakes up from the nightmare. She finds out that she’s in the ward in episode 4.

She’s told that it’s 2023. She goes to see Sun-Jae. But she sees his father crying. He’s sad after he lost his son. She tears up as well. She wipes off her tears and she tries to be close to Sun-Jae’s father. But she’s blocked by the worker. She has to leave with her wheelchair. In-Hyuk sees her.

The cop visits Sun-Jae. He hands over the group photo of her and Sun-Jae to her. She takes a look at the photo. She realizes that it wasn’t a dream. She returns to the river. She soaks herself in the water and she hits the button of her watch. But nothing happens.

She returns home and she takes out the group photo of her and Sun-Jae. She cries because she regrets for letting him leave. She takes a look at the umbrella he left. In-Hyuk calls her. He reveals Sun-Jae felt guilty for her. He hangs up. She tries to reach him. But he doesn’t pick up her phone. Her watch glows at midnight. She hits the button of her watch. She travels to 2008.

Lim Sol Becomes Tae-Sung’s girlfriend

Lim Sol is very happy after she found out that she returned to 2008. But Grandma Celestial hits her because she thinks she’s an evil spirit. Lim Sol tries to leave. But Bok-Soon blocks her way. She reveals Lim Sol asked her to hold the exorcism.

Lim Sol comforts her grandmother that she remembered everything. She sees Sun-Jae who just turned home. She goes to see him. She’s very happy to see him. But she remembers she beat him when she told him that she has a boyfriend. He gets into his house.

She brings the books and the cups to him for his treatment when she runs into him on the campus. She explains it to him that she was possessed by a ghost. He doesn’t believe what she said. He tries to leave. She trips when she chases him.

Tae-Sung helps Lim Sol up when he calls her girlfriend. He takes her away. In-Hyuk blindfolds Sun-Jae’s eyes. Sun-Jae gets angry. Lim Sol reads her message. She realizes that the Lim Sol in 2008 loves Tae-Sung very much. She doesn’t allow Tae-Sung to hit on her even if he promises to be nice to her. But she realizes that she’s going to leave.

Geun-Deok tries to return the pot to Lim Sol. But she finds out that she’s Bok-Soon’s daughter. He’s hurt by the wild rose when Bok-Soon asks him for the overdue fee of the videotape. Lim Geum’s tooth drops when he acts with the actress. He’s kicked out by the director from the set. He texts Hyun-Joo and asks her to compensate him.

Lim Sol Tears Up Seok-Hyun’s Business Card

Lim Sol visits In-Hyuk. He asks him not to let Sun-Jae audition. Hyung-Gu brings up Sun-Jae’s mother in front of Sun-Jae. Lim Sol is furious to hit Hyung-Gu with her head. She flees after she was recognized by the teacher. Ga-Hyun catches Lim Sol. She pulls her hair because Lim Sol refused to break up with Tae-Sung. Lim Sol pulls Ga-Hyun’s hair as well. They have a fight.

Seok-Hyun stops them because he thinks they should be nice to each other. He leaves. Lim Sol remembers Seok-Hyun was Sun-Jae’s boss. She goes to chase him. She sees him giving his business card to Sun-Jae and In-Hyuk. Sun-Jae gets on the bus. Lim Sol goes to chase him. But she fails to catch the bus.

She visits Sun-Jae. But Geun-Deok disallows her to get into the house. She pretends to want to use the bathroom. It reminds him that he needs to use bathroom. He goes to the restroom. She catches the chance to get into the house. She tries to go upstairs because she thinks Sun-Jae’s room is there.

But Geun-Deok returns. Lim Sol tells him about the things that will happen in the future. The time stops. She gets into Sun-Jae’s room. She finds the business card from the clothes of his pocket. She tears up the business card. But Geun-Deok walks into the room. She hides from under the bed.

Lim Sol Falls Asleep in Sun-Jae’s Room

Sun-Jae is on the bridge. He remembers what Lim Sol told her that she will always support him. He thinks she’s a liar. He runs home and he takes a shower. He returns to his room. He sees Lim Sol lying on the floor. He mistakes that it’s a dream. But he kicks her arm.

He learns that she’s in his room. He’s startled to run out of his room. He returns to his room. He notes that she’s hot. So he turns on the fan. He’s close to her when he tries to drive away the mosquito for her. She wakes up. Tae-Sung is waiting for Lim Sol’s phone. His friend calls him for teasing him. He mentions Tae-Sung went out with Lim Sol for getting rid of Ga-Hyun. In-Hyuk hears the talk.

Lim Sol explains it to Sun-Jae that she was hit by the book when she tried to come out from under his bed. He mentions what happened at the swimming pool. But she forgets it. She persuades him to read the books when he thinks the world gives up him.

She remembers he cheered up her when she lost the hope. She cheers him up like he did to her. But he doesn’t listen to her. She’s close to him when she tries to catch the mosquito for him. He holds her arms. He puts his cover on her. He carries her out of his house.

SEE ALSO: Lovely Runner: Episode 3 Recap

She throws a fit to him that she has tried her best to help him. He agrees to what she said that she cannot help him. He gives his slippers to her. He persuades her to leave. He returns to his room. He sees her shoes on the floor. She returns to her room. She tears up when she remembers he was heartless to her.

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