The Impossible Heir: Episode 8 Recap

Tae-O and In-Ha used to be best friends. But they’re enemies in The Impossible Heir Episode 8. Tae-O is sent to the prison because he’s suspected to kill In-Ju. The judge gives Tae-O the capital punishment. But In-Ha thinks it’s not good enough. He wishes Tae-O to get death sentence after he saw Tae-O sleeping with his wife.

Tae-O Promises to Help Hye-Won be the Owner of Kangoh Group

The Impossible Heir

Tae-O planned to help In-Ha be the owner of Kangoh Group. But he finds out that his best friend used Gi-Jun to wrong him. He knows he and In-Ha cannot be partners anymore. In-Ha tries to kiss Hye-Won at home. But she rejects it because she loves Tae-O.

He’s furious to push her into the bathtub. He grabs her neck and he confesses that he married her because he wanted to use Tae-O. Hye-Won reports it to Tae-O when she visits him in the prisoner. It makes him see through In-Ha. He promises to help her get Kangoh Group.

Gi-Jun Gets Rid of Obstacle for In-Ha

Tae-O remembers Gi-Jun wasn’t the one who drove him. He thinks he will be not guilty if he finds the person. But he’s in the prison. He gets a phone from Boss Tak. He uses the phone to call Seonu Wan. He tells Seonu Wan to go to find the person.

Seonu Wan finds the person Roy. He knows Roy helped Gi-Jun because Roy helped him before. He sends his followers to go to catch Roy. But Roy flees. He reports it to Gi-Jun. He wishes him to help him. But Gi-Jun kills Roy. Because he knows he’s an obstacle to In-Ha if he’s alive. He lets his follower to throw Roy into a trash can.

Hye-Won Gets the Foundation

Hye-Won doesn’t have a job after she became In-Ha’s wife. She visits Tae-O and she hides the truth that In-Ha bullied her. He persuades her to go to work for Joong-Mo so that she will get the foundation. She follows his order to go to see Joong-Mo.

Joong-Mo doesn’t give the answer to her even if he likes her. But he announces in the family dinner that Hye-Won will be the director of the foundation. But Ji-Sun doesn’t wish Hye-Won to get the foundation. She tries to use her father’s power to make Joong-Mo change his mind. Joong-Mo reminds Hye-Won that her father’s power was give by him.

In-Ha is surprised after knowing his father’s decision. He thinks Joong-Mo volunteered to give the position to Hye-Won. But Hye-Won reveals she asked Joong-Mo for the position. Hui-Ju would like to see the fight of the family. She loses the hope after she was rejected by Tae-O.

Tae-O Refuses to See His Mother

Tae-O’s mother Ji-Suk lives a hard time because she needs to avoid her husband Kil-Su who has wanted to kill her. She visits Tae-O after he was sent to the prisoner. But he refuses to see her because he doesn’t wish her to see the looks of him.

He changes his mind after he left the meeting room. He returns to the meeting room when he’s caught by the officers. He finds out that his mother left. Ji-Suk walks out of the prisoner. She cries because she worries about her son.

The Impossible Heir Episode 8 Ends with In-Ha Finding Seonu Wan

In-Ha knows there’s a guy helping Tae-O. But he doesn’t know who the person is. He decides to find the person since his goal is to kill Tae-O. Seonu Wan visits Tae-O in the evening after he failed to catch Roy. Boss Tak sees it and he reports it to In-Ha. It makes In-Ha find Seonu Wan.

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