Lovely Runner: Episode 14 Recap

Seon-Jae is carried out of the sea in Lovely Runner: Episode 14. Lim Sol cries when she calls him. His watch flashes. She runs to him. She presses the button of his watch. She returns to the past. She doesn’t show up after he got her package.

Lim Sol cries after Seon-Jae left. She moves out with her family. Seon-Jae walks out of his house. He notes that the family moved out. But he doesn’t see Lim Sol. Everything about her disappears in his room. We return to the present.

Lovely Runner: Episode 14

Seon-Jae runs into Lim Sol in the party. He sees her stealing something. He follows her and she bumps him. She tries to leave. But he stops her because he intends to report it to police. He notes that she’s crying. He asks her why she cries.

She wipes off her tears and she runs away when he tries to call police. He tries to chase her. But he’s stopped by the guy. The guy asks Seon-Jae to go to the waiting room. Seon-Jae gives the wallet to the guy. He asks him to return the wallet to Kyung-Ja. He reveals he saw a thief.

Lim Sol flees to the parking lot. She wonders why she ran into Seon-Jae. She sees the crazy fan of Seon-Jae passing through. She returns home and she believes that she took back her resignation letter. But she finds out that she took Seon-Jae’s list of White Dragon Film Awards.

She sees Seon-Jae announcing the list wrong on the TV. Dong-Seok mocks Seon-Jae after watching the video. He thinks he shouldn’t make the mistake. In-Hyuk reads Lim Sol’s resignation letter. He understands her feelings why she wanted to resign.

Seon-Jae grabs the resignation letter back. He blames his friend for taking the weird woman’s side. Dong-Seok shows his resignation letter from his pocket. He hides the letter when Seon-Jae intends to accept it. He persuades Seon-Jae to leak the letter to media.

But Seon-Jae rejects it. In-Hyuk thinks Seon-Jae wishes to pretend to be nice. But Seon-Jae denies it. He claims that he doesn’t want to see the woman again. He goes to open the door. The crazy fan flees. Kyung-Ja has a meeting with the employees at Bon Cinema. She plans to replace Do-Jun with someone.

Lim Sol is in the meeting. She feels guilty for bringing trouble to Seon-Jae. Hyun-Joo receives a message from the babysitter. She learns that her husband fled. She gets angry. Kyung-Ja shows up behind Hyun-Joo. She asks her for the candidate.

Hyun-Joo mentions Seon-Jae’s name. But Kyung-Ja yells at Hyun-Joo because she doesn’t believe that Seon-Jae will play the role. But Jung-Hoon reveals Seon-Jae wished to work with them. Kyung-Ja tells Hyun-Joo to send the script to Seon-Jae.

Hyun-Joo sends the script to Seon-Jae when she talks with someone over the phone. Seon-Jae reads the script at home. He tears up after knowing the story of Lim Sol and the hero. He doesn’t know he was the hero. Dong-Seok reports to Seon-Jae that Bon Cinema sent them the wrong script. He finds out that Seon-Jae is crying.

Kyung-Ja takes Lim Sol to the restaurant. She reveals Seon-Jae was interested in Lim Sol’s proposal after he read it. Lim Sol is shocked. Seon-Jae watches Lim Sol outside. He learns that she was the writer who wrote the proposal. He decides not to make the movie.

He walks into the room with flowers. But Lim Sol doesn’t want to work with him. She returns to her company. She thinks she did a great job to reject him. Dong-Seok leaves the restaurant with Seon-Jae. He persuades him to have a talk with Lim Sol.

Lim Sol is off duty. Seon-Jae is waiting for her. He asks her for a talk. But she tells him to talk with her boss instead. She tries to leave. He reads her resignation letter. He threatens to tell her boss about the resignation letter.

Seon-Jae takes Lim Sol to a bar. He asks her why she goes against him. He thinks she goes against him because he wronged her for a thief. He returns the resignation letter to her. He thinks she has no reason not to cast him. But she thinks he’s not suitable for the hero.

She brings up the actor. But he points out that the actor has been 50 years old. She leaves the bar and she takes a bus. She remembers she told Seon-Jae that she believes in fate. She tears up. Seon-Jae has a dream that he swims in the sea.

He wakes up from the dream. He calls Lim Sol. But she ignores his phone. He lets Dong-Seok call her. Dong-Seok tells Lim Sol that Seon-Jae intends to do the movie for free. But she rejects the offer. The crazy fan sneaks into Seon-Jae’s house again. She bumps the killer when she flees.

Bok-Soon goes to throw trash. But she finds out that Mal-Ja is missing. Bok-Soon reports it to Lim Sol. Lim Sol takes a taxi to the police station. Tae-Sung comes to pick her up. Hyun-Joo and Lim Geum look for Mal-Ja on the street.

Geun-Deok is working at his restaurant. The waitress reports to him that there was a old lady ordering five servings of meat. She thinks the old lady is insane. He goes to see the old lady. We find out that she’s Mal-Ja. Geun-Deok learns that Mal-Ja is the person who lived across the street from him.

He drinks with her. He brags to her that his son is outstanding. Seon-Jae shows up. Geun-Deok lets Seon-Jae greet Mal-Ja. But Mal-Ja mistakes Seon-Jae for her husband. A photo drops from her pocket. Geun-Deok picks up the photo. He gives the photo to Seon-Jae. Seon-Jae takes a look at the photo. He finds out that Mal-Ja is Lim Sol’s grandma.

Tae-Sung helps Lim Sol look for her grandma at the police station. Lim Sol gets a call from Bok-Soon. Bok-Soon reveals Mal-Ja has been found. Tae-Sung takes Lim Sol home. He tells her to be careful because there was a girl being kidnapped. He thinks he’s her boyfriend. He drives away.

Seon-Jae asks Lim Sol if Tae-Sung is her boyfriend. She turns around and she sees him. She gets angry because she mistook that he looked into her. She rejects to get in his car. She’s surprised to see Mal-Ja. She learns that Seon-Jae was the one who found her grandma.

Bok-Soon asks Lim Sol to buy Seon-Jae a cup of tea. She takes Mal-Ja away. Lim Sol buys Seon-Jae a cup of tea. They run into two girls. Seon-Jae mistakes the girls as his fans. But they just wish him to buy them cigarettes. It makes him angry. Lim Sol laughs.

Seon-Jae takes Lim Sol home. He mentions they were neighbors. But she doesn’t intend to change his mind. He smiles when he sees her getting into her house. Some of his memories are back. Lim Sol asks Mal-Ja not to go to the restaurant again. But Mal-Ja thinks she did a great job. Because she knew Lim Sol thought of Seon-Jae.

Lim Sol tears up after she returned to her room. The crazy fan flees from the killer. She goes to the police station. Tae-Sung meets with her. Lim Sol is told that Seon-Jae planned to do the movie. She resigns. Hyun-Joo follows Lim Sol. She tries to persuade her. But Lim Sol throws a fit to Hyun-Joo because Hyun-Joo was the one who sent the script to Seon-Jae.

Dong-Seok reports to Seon-Jae that Lim Sol won’t do the movie. Hyun-Joo plans to continue to persuade Lim Sol after she returns home. But she finds out that she won a lottery. She passes out. Lim Sol goes to the amusement park. She sits on the bench until evening. Seon-Jae is in the amusement park as well.

SEE ALSO: Lovely Runner: Episode 13 Recap

He follows Lim Sol to the Ferris wheel. He learns that she resigned from the company. He thinks it’s a bad ending that the hero lost his memories. He reveals he got some memories after he read her proposal. She tells him that he will die if he continues to stay with her. The Ferris wheel shakes. It makes her trip. He hugs her. She sees the necklace he wears. She’s shocked. Because he gave the necklace to her before.

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