The Atypical Family: Episode 6 Recap

Gwi-Ju finds Da-Hae in the room of I-Na’s school. He tells her that he will save her in The Atypical Family: Episode 5. She tears up. They walk out of the room in episode 6. He lets her have a seat. He puts his clothes on her. He gets a call from the teacher. He finds out that Da-Hae is missing after he ended the talk.

Da-Hae runs out of the school. She returns to the saunas. She tells Hyeong-Tae that she wants to give up because the family has superpowers. But he knows she has feelings for Gwi-Ju. Il-Hong eavesdrops on the conversation. She walks into the room. She joins Da-Hae and Hyeong-Tae. Da-Hae tells Il-Hong that she wants to give up their plan.

The Atypical Family: Episode 6

Gwi-Ju is on the way home with I-Na. He tries to talk with her in the car. But she ignores him. She remembers the teacher told him that I-Na’s classmate invited I-Na to her dance club. I-Na gets a message from Hye-Rim who mentions the teacher thought she bullied I-Na.

I-Na apologizes to Hye-Rim. She tells her that they’re friend. Gwi-Ju tries to have a talk with his daughter. But she prefers to talk with Da-Hae. He walks into Da-Hae’s room. He finds out that she’s not in her room. He calls her. She doesn’t pick up his phone.

Gwi-Ju goes to the saunas to help Il-Hong. He asks her about Da-Hae’s whereabouts. She blames him for treating her daughter as a thief. He trips when he helps her carry the clothes. Hyeong-Tae takes Gwi-Ju to see Da-Hae when she just walks out of her house.

Gwi-Ju goes to the cafe with Da-Hae. He reveals the one who stole the watch was I-Na. He asks her to have a talk with I-Na because he believes that I-Na’s classmate forced I-Na to steal the watch. But she rejects it because she fears the superpowers of his family. He persuades her that he can save her. She doesn’t believe him because he couldn’t return to the moment when I-Na was born.

Dong-Hee reports to Man-Heum that Gwi-Ju is working out. He joins Gwi-Ju when he runs on the treadmill. She believes that he’s going to give a birth for getting the building. He ignores her and he returns home to clean his room.

Sun-Gu helps Gwi-Ju clean his room. He smiles. He drinks tea in the living room. He informs I-Na that her father is cooking breakfast for her when she’s going to go to school. She takes a look at the breakfast. She chooses to leave. It makes Gwi-Ju believe that he didn’t cook the breakfast well.

He visits Da-Hae when she just opens the door. It startles her. He volunteers to throw trash for her. But she rejects it. She returns to her house after she got the stuff from him. Il-Hong feels painful in her hand when she works with Da-Hae.

Gwi-Ju brings the pain relief to Il-Hong. She leaves. Da-Hae asks Gwi-Ju to leave. He agrees to it. But he chooses to clean the floor. She’s furious to grab the mop from him. She asks him what he wishes her to do. I-Na leaves the school. Da-Hae is waiting for her.

I-Na goes to the cafe with Da-Hae. She thinks Da-Hae was the one who told Gwi-Ju that she gave her grandma’s watch to her classmate. She regrets for not reporting her. Da-Hae asks I-Na to read her mind. But I-Na reveals she can only read Da-Hae’s mind when she takes off her glasses and she’s close to her.

Da-Hae claims that she didn’t tell it to I-Na’s father. I-Na takes off her glasses. She tries to read Da-Hae’s mind. She tells her that she wishes to see her at home. She leaves the cafe. Da-Hae meets with Gwi-Ju in the car. She reveals his daughter didn’t get bullied. She thinks I-Na just wished to get a friend.

She tries to leave. But he asks her to go home with him because he needs her to help him return to the time when I-Na was reborn. She rejects it and she asks him to care for his daughter. She leaves. He gets off his car and he stops her. She confesses it to him that she wished his father to be happy. He promises her that he will save her when he sees her off.

Sun-Gu informs Man-Heum that Gwi-Ju went to workout in the morning. He thinks they should thank Da-Hae. But she throws a fit to him because she doesn’t trust the lady after Il-Hong visited her. She asks him to let Dong-Hee look into the saunas.

Dong-Hee is in the saunas to look into Il-Hong. She notes that there’s a girl talking with Il-Hong. But she doesn’t see the girl’s face. She thinks the girl is Grace Kang. She tries to go to chase Grace Kang. But Il-Hong blocks her way. She helps her lose weight with her massage skill.

Dong-Hee is very happy after she found out that she lost weight. She tries to pay Il-Hong with her card. But Il-Hong only accepts cash. She asks Dong-Hee to inform her mother that she won’t let Da-Hae return to the family until they prepare the wedding.

Dong-Hee reports to her family that Da-Hae worked with Grace Kang to trick them. But she doesn’t have evidence because she didn’t see Grace Kang’s face. It’s enough to make Man-Heum not trust Da-Hae. But Gwi-Ju reveals Da-Hae helped him regain his powers.

SEE ALSO: The Atypical Family: Episode 5 Recap

He disappears in front of his family. He persuades his mother that Da-Hae helped her regain her powers as well. Because she saw Da-Hae in her dream. Sun-Gu confesses that he knew Gwi-Ju regained his power. He notes that Dong-Hee lost weight. He believes that she made it because of Da-Hae. But she claims that she did it because she worked hard. He reveals I-Na is changed as well. I-Na is with Jun-Woo and Hye-Rim at the amusement park. But she keeps a distance from them when they take photos together. Jun-Woo invites I-Na to join them.

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