The Atypical Family: Episode 5 Recap

Gwi-Ju thinks he needs to have love first before he marries Da-Hae in The Atypical Family: Episode 4. He kisses her. It flashes back. Da-Hae fakes the marriage paper in episode 5. She plans to tell a lie to Gwi-Ju that the future Gwi-Ju signed the marriage contract.

Da-Hae cannot sleep because she worries that she will be found out. She opens the curtains. She sees Dong-Hee standing in the air. She’s startled to step back. She reopens the curtains. Dong-Hee is missing. Man-Heum visits Da-Hae. She reveals she couldn’t sleep.

The Atypical Family: Episode 5

Da-Hae learns that Man-Heum needs her tea. She talks about her skill with her when she makes tea for her in the kitchen. She’s startled after knowing Man-Heum kept dreaming about her. She tries to drop the medicine into the tea. But Man-Heum grabs Da-Hae’s hand. She reveals she saw Da-Hae wearing their family ring.

Gwi-Ju reads the marriage contract. He reveals he didn’t feel love when he kissed Da-Hae. He falls asleep on the couch. He finds out that he went back to the time he kissed Da-Hae. He persuades himself that the kiss meant nothing to him. But he keeps returning to the kiss scene.

He walks out of his room in the morning. He sees Da-Hae cleaning the floor. She’s close to the room because Man-Heum told her that she saw her wearing their family ring. Gwi-Ju stops Da-Hae when she tries to open the door. He thinks she’s interested in the room. He lets her go out with him.

She follows him on the street. She intends to tell the last night to his family. He remembers he kissed her. She explains it to him that she wishes to tell his family about the marriage contract. But he stops her. He reveals he didn’t have any feelings when he kissed her. She’s furious to slap him.

Man-Heum looks for her watch from the drawers. But she doesn’t find it. She goes to see Dong-Hee because she thinks her daughter stole her watch. She notes that she conceals something. She tries to grab the stuff. But she finds out that the stuff Dong-Hee tried to hide is the food.

Dong-Hee thinks the one who stole Man-Heum’s watch was Da-Hae. She goes to Da-Hae’s room. But the lady isn’t in her room. She finds Da-Hae when Da-Hae tries to hide something. Dong-Hee reveals her mother’s watch was missing. She thinks the culprit is Da-Hae.

Da-Hae denies it. Dong-Hee catches the chance to grab the paper from Da-Hae’s pocket. Man-Heum finds out what Da-Hae tried to hide was the marriage contract. Da-Hae reveals she found the paper from Gwi-Ju’s desk. Gwi-Ju plans to see Da-Hae’s parents since he has no choice.

He mentions Da-Hae called the madam mother when Man-Heum thinks Da-Hae doesn’t have parents. Da-Hae explains it to Man-Heum that the madam raised her after her parents passed away. Man-Heum returns to her room. She asks her husband to look into the saunas because she has a bad feelings about the saunas. Dong-Hee volunteers to do the job. But Man-Heum asks her to return the watch to her.

I-Na steals her grandma’s watch. She gives it to her friend Hye-Rim. Hye-Rim is happy to hug I-Na. Jun-Woo tells I-Na that he saw her. She greets him. Hye-Rim reveals she talked with Jun-Woo for I-Na. I-Na lends her sneakers to Hye-Rim.

Sun-Gu looks into the saunas. He meets with the retired detective Jung-Dae. Jung-Dae remembers the person after he heard the name Il-Hong. Da-Hae serves Man-Heum the tea. Someone visits her. She’s shocked. Sun-Gu calls Man-Heum. He reports to her that Il-Hong is a loan shark when she’s meeting Il-Hong.

Il-Hong admits to Man-Heum that she was a convict. She lost her daughter and she treated Da-Hae as her real daughter. She wishes Da-Hae to marry Gwi-Ju. She takes Da-Hae to leave Man-Heum’s house. Il-Hong tells Da-Hae that she visited Man-Heum because she knew Man-Heum is looking into them. She persuades her to use the fire card to win Gwi-Ju’s heart.

I-Na shows up. Il-Hong pretends to give some money to I-Na. Da-Hae notes that I-Na doesn’t wear her sneakers. She follows her into the house. She wonders why she didn’t wear the sneakers. I-Na tells a lie to Da-Hae that she forgot the get changed. Da-Hae reveals her classmates poured the milk into her shoes when she was a student.

She walks into I-Na’s room when I-Na gets invited to Hye-Rim’s birthday party. She mistakes that I-Na was bullied in the school. But I-Na denies it. She asks Da-Hae to leave her room. Because she needs to reply the message to Hye-Rim.

The gym member wants to sleep Grace Kang because she’s pretty. But she rejects him. He tries to beat her. Dong-Hee stops the guy. She scolds him. Grace Kang buys Dong-Hee a meal after Dong-Hee helped her. Dong-Hee is surprised that Grace Kang knows the value of the building. She rejects it when Grace Kang volunteers to train her. Because she suspects her.

Da-Hae brings the tea to Man-Heum. Man-Heum rejects it after knowing the true face of Da-Hae. Dong-Hee returns home. Man-Heum asks Da-Hae to leave. She asks Dong-Hee to close the door then. Da-Hae tries to eavesdrop on the conversation.

But Gwi-Ju catches her. Dong-Hee learns that Da-Hae’s mother was a culprit. She persuades Man-Heum to kick Da-Hae out. But Man-Heum remembers the lady wore her family ring. Dong-Hee thinks Da-Hae stole the ring. Gwi-Ju meets with Da-Hae. He thinks he didn’t save her from the fire.

SEE ALSO: The Atypical Family: Episode 4 Recap

He asks her to tell him the truth. But she keeps avoiding his question. He has to return to the moment they were on the street. He finds out that her shoelace is loose after she slapped him. He walks to her and he ties the shoe for her. He returns to the present. He tells her that he knows she was hard 13 years ago. She goes out and she runs into Dong-Hee. Dong-Hee mistakes that Da-Hae is going to flee. But Da-Hae denies it. She reveals she’s going to go to the shoes to I-Na.

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