The Atypical Family: Episode 4 Recap

Gwi-Ju returns to the past he was going to have a date with Da-Hae in front of the fountain in The Atypical Family: Episode 3. Da-Hae leaves because she mistakes that Gwi-Ju didn’t come. Gwi-Ju chases her with the flowers in episode 4.

Gwi-Ju conceals his flowers. He tells himself not to hug Da-Hae. But he hugs her for protecting her not to be hit by the motorcycle. She’s shy and she finds out that he brought her the flowers she likes. She takes over the flowers from him. She tries to talk with him. But he disappears.

The Atypical Family: Episode 4

Sun-Gu sees Gwi-Ju appearing on the street. He thinks his power is back. Gwi-Ju reveals he saved someone. He returns home with Sun-Gu. They study the papers of Gwi-Ju’s ancestors. They find out that the ancestor saved some people with his power after he fell for a girl.

Sun-Gu thinks Da-Hae is the destined girl to Gwi-Ju. He intends to report it to Man-Heum. But Gwi-Ju stops his father because he’s not sure about it. He runs into Da-Hae who’s scared to run when she’s chased by someone. She passes out in his arms after she realized that there’re two Gwi-Jus.

Man-Heum shows up with Sun-Gu. She sees Da-Hae passing out. She asks Gwi-Ju what happened. He reveals Da-Hae saw a ghost. Dong-Hee thinks the ghost Da-Hae talked about was her. She reveals Da-Hae saw her flying. Gwi-Ju carries Da-Hae to the room.

Sun-Gu intends to call an ambulance. But Dong-Hee thinks Da-Hae just falls asleep. She reveals the lady drank the tea she made for Man-Heum. But Man-Heum scolds Dong-Hee because she doesn’t believe that Da-Hae drugged her. She leaves the room with Dong-Hee.

Gwi-Ju looks at Da-Hae. He remembers she thought he was upstairs. He realizes that she saw the future Gwi-Ju. Man-Heum has a dream. She sees Da-Hae being carried out of the saunas. Da-Hae wakes up. She tries to flee. But she runs into Dong-Hee.

Dong-Hee thinks Da-Hae was drugged when she walks to her. Da-Hae has to step back. Dong-Hee asks Da-Hae to take a look at her feet. She laughs to leave. Da-Hae tries to flee. But Gwi-Ju blocks her way when he asks her if she’s fine. He asks her what happened last night then. She follows I-Na because she wishes to cook for her.

Da-Hae is cooking the egg in the kitchen. Man-Heum reveals she saw Da-Hae being carried out from the saunas in her dream. It makes Da-Hae nervous. She doesn’t cook the egg well. I-Na tries to leave because she thinks she’s going to be late for the school.

Da-Hae chases I-Na with a banana. She hands over the banana to her. I-Na mentions what she told Da-Hae that her family has superpowers. She persuades her to leave. Da-Hae returns to her room. She packs her stuff and she decides to flee.

Gwi-Ju tails Da-Hae. He finds out that she fled to the Palace Saunas his mother mentioned. She reports to her mother Il-Hong in the saunas that Bok family has superpowers. She offers to change the target. But Il-Hong is against it. She reminds Da-Hae that she owes her.

Il-Hong attended the funeral of Da-Hae’s father. She told Da-Hae that her father owed her debts. She thought she owed her the debts because his father passed away. We return to the present. Il-Hong persuades Da-Hae that she will be retired if she completes the show.

Gwi-Ju walks into the saunas. But Hyeong-Tae asks him to leave because he doesn’t wear the saunas clothes. Da-Hae sees Man-Heum in the room. Her head is hurt. Il-Hong shows up. She asks Da-Hae to come out. Gwi-Ju finds Da-Hae when she talks with Il-Hong.

He hears her calling Il-Hong mother. He questions her because she told him that her parents passed away. Il-Hong tries to explain it to Gwi-Ju. But Hyeong-Tae informs the people that there’s a fire. Da-Hae feels uncomfortable. Gwi-Ju tries to take her to leave the room. But he trips with her. Her head hits the floor.

Da-Hae is carried out of the saunas. Gwi-Ju goes to the hospital with Il-Hong. She asks him to sign the paper for Da-Hae. She confesses it to him that she’s not Da-Hae’s mother. She reveals Da-Hae had an accident after Da-Hae’s father passed away.

Da-Hae was sent to a hospital after an accident. She tried to leave because she had no money to accept the treatment. Il-Hong showed up. She volunteered to pay the hospital bill for Da-Hae. She asked her to be her daughter.

We return to the present. Il-Hong and Gwi-Ju watch Da-Hae when they sit on the bench in the hospital. She tells him that she wishes a man to stay by Da-Hae’s side. He leaves after he got a call from his mother. Il-Hong walks to Da-Hae. She wakes her up. She tells her that she needs to marry Gwi-Ju if she wants to leave her.

Gwi-Ju reports to his mother that Da-Hae is in the emergency room after Da-Hae went to the saunas. He returns to the emergency room. He finds out that Da-Hae is awake. He walks to her. She reveals Il-Hong returned to the saunas. She signs the paper as her guardian.

Gwi-Ju and Da-Hae leave the hospital. He reveals his power is back because of her. He reveals the one who hugged her was the future Gwi-Ju. She’s scared because she fears the powers of him and his family. Man-Heum learns that Gwi-Ju told their family secret to Da-Hae. She worries that the lady will run away. He brings up her dream.

SEE ALSO: The Atypical Family: Episode 3 Recap

It flashes back. Gwi-Ju cries after he failed to save his wife. Man-Heum persuades him to give up his plan. He shows her the type-B ultrasound he found from his wife’s bag. He wonders why his wife didn’t tell it to him that she was pregnant. She realizes that his wife cheated on him. He blames her for not saving his wife because she can see the future. But she tells him that she cannot change the future.

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